
A previous iBT TOEFL Test-taker’s recommendation

Marwah Alaofi , a teaching assistant at Taibah University,  is now in Melbourne, Australia, studying for an MA and PhD there. Wish her all the very best.

Dear ladies,

Assalamu Alaykom,

Hope you’re all doing alright!

I bought an electronic copy for a book called “Sample Essays for the TOEFL® Writing Test” last year (while I was preparing for the TOEFL) and I’d like to share it with you. This book doesn’t teach you any  strategies or techniques that you need to follow in the writing section, but it rather gives you many examples of great essays that got high scores, and I can tell that many nice phrases used in this book (e.g summarizing statements) are still in my mind till now. You might get frustrated at the beginning of your reading 😀 (Oh, how can I write such essays?!) however, if you, for example, read one essay everyday and notice how the ideas are organized and write down the phrases you like, your writing level will be much better. 

Wish you all the best,


2 Responses to Writing

  1. muhamad says:

    This book is actually great, I prepared for My TOEFL exam using it. I promise “you will get high marks without knowing from where”
    Many thanks

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